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The Ultimate Face Massage

Celebrity make-up artist Morag Ross shares the one face massage routine that has transformed her life

The Gankin Massage

  • 01

    Forehead Area

    Using the joints of the fingers, apply pressure to the forehead three times.

    An information diagram illustrating face massage techniques
  • 02

    Eye Area

    Apply pressure between the eyebrows and temples.

    Drain the lymph downwards from the temples, passing the ears.

    Repeat twice.

    An information diagram illustrating face massage techniques
  • 03

    Mouth Area

    Use the whole sides of your thumbs and fingers.

    Create a triangle below your chin and between the eyebrows.

    Apply pressure on the nasolabial line twice.

    An information diagram illustrating face massage techniques
  • 04

    Cheek Area

    Make fists and use the second joint of your fingers.

    Place the fists on your jawline and press upwards.

    Bend your head downwards and move your fists up and down, massaging the muscles.

    Slide your fists sideways and drain the lymph downwards, passing in front of your ears

    An information diagram illustrating face massage techniques
  • 05


    Use the whole side of your thumb and finger.

    Hold the cheekbone.

    Bend your head into your hand and lift up your cheekbone for three seconds.

    Slide your hand sideways towards your ear.

    An information diagram illustrating face massage techniques
  • 06


    Slide your middle finger and ring finger upwards from the tip of your nose towards the area between your eyebrows.

    Alternate using both hands.

    Using the three middle fingers, apply pressure to the centre of your forehead.

    Lightly press the temples to complete the procedure.

    An information diagram illustrating face massage techniques

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Morag Ross

In her 30-year career, Bafta award winning makeup artist and SUQQU UK spokesperson Morag Ross has worked with some of the best-known faces in film. As personal makeup artist to Cate Blanchett, some of her film credits include Ocean’s Eight (2018), Thor: Ragnarok (2017) and Carrol (2015)

Follow Morag:

Instagram: @morag_ross_makeup_artist
Twitter: @moragrossmakeup